TDG Gold Corp. (TSXV:TDG) (the "Company" or "TDG") is pleased to provide an update from ongoing targeting work within TDG's 100 % owned, ~140 square kilometre (") Bot project, Toodoggone District. TDG has identified a copper-molybdenum ("Cu-Mo") porphyry target1 ("Erebus") through a multi-disciplinary approach as part of TDG's ongoing porphyry target1 generative program (Figure 1).

The Toodoggone District includes a ~300 km southeast-northwest porphyry corridor extending from Centerra's Mt Milligan Au-Cu mine2 in the southeast, through Northwest Copper's PEA-stage Kwanika-Stardust Cu-Au project2 and Centerra's former producing Kemess Cu-Au mine2, up to Freeport-Amarc's joint venture Cu-Au Joy-Pine project2 in the northwest. Through systematic, low cost, high impact exploration, TDG has potentially extended the known porphyry belt for up to another ~50 km, through its Baker Complex, Saunders, Oxide Peak and Bot properties (Figure 2).

Erebus target1 displays the geological features that suggest potential to host an intrusive related Cu-Mo porphyry, covers at least 15, and has never been drill tested. In 2024, TDG undertook prospecting, rock and soil sampling to complement TDG's 2023 Lithic Drainage Sampling ("LDS") survey and historical geophysics. Selected assays from rock samples collected from TDG's 2024 program at Erebus are presented in Table 1.

Figure 1 - The ‘Erebus' Target Area located within TDG's 100 % owned Bot mineral tenures (inset: TDG's complete tenures).

Steven Kramar, TDG's VP Exploration, commented: "Erebus is the third, multi-square kilometre porphyry target1 area that we have identified within our Toodoggone mineral tenures. In combination with our North Quartz and Trident porphyry targets1 (both located within the Baker Complex), Erebus has the potential to extend the discovered portion of the Toodoggone Porphyry corridor well to the northwest. Our aim is to complete the final screening to spot potential drill collar locations on Erebus this 2025 season, so that it is drill-ready by 2026."

TDG has now identified three targets1 for potential porphyry-style mineralization within its Toodoggone portfolio:

  1. Trident - located within the Baker Complex1 (see TDG news release Mar 07, 2024)

  2. North Quartz - located within the Baker Complex (see TDG news release Apr 02, 2024). TDG drilled the northwestern edge of the target area in 2021 (Drybrough; see TDG news release Dec 15, 2021). Subsequent studies, including TDG's 2023 LDS survey, indicates the porphyry target1 is located deeper and to the southeast than tested in 2021 (see TDG news release Feb 28, 2024).

  3. Erebus - located within the Bot mineral tenures. Target1 is described within this news release.

TDG has an ongoing porphyry target generative program and continues to analyse historical data, alongside information from more modern studies, in order to identify further targets1. This includes re-evaluating existing projects for porphyry potential, such as the Oxide Creek area.

Figure 2 - Known Toodoggone Porphyry Corridor: deposits and targets2.

Table 1 - Select Rock Sampling Assay Results from Erebus. Highlight colours correspond to Figure 4, and Map Index Corresponds to sample locations in Figure 3.
























Quartz Monzonite











Takla Basalt?











Takla Basalt?











Takla Basalt











Qtz-Epi Vein











Mafic Extrusive











Takla Basalt











Qtz-Magnetite Vein






















Takla Basalt









Erebus Target Area Description

The Erebus target1is defined as ~15 area that encompasses four Minfile occurrences that received limited historical geological work, despite first discovery of anomalous base and precious metals in rock and float samples during sporadic exploration programs by multiple operators starting in the 1960s up until Talisker undertook geophysics in 2017. Mapped geology has identified both Takla Group rocks and intrusive rocks of the Black Lake Plutonic suite - the same setting as other porphyry deposits such as Kemess Mine2 (Centerra Gold) and Joy Project-Pine Deposit 2 (Freeport-Amarc joint venture) in the area.

Additionally, multiple overlapping coincident anomalies suggest the setting of a porphyry system including (i) Elevated base and precious metals in geological samples, (ii) a deep resistive target defined from a 2017 ZTEM anomaly indicating the potential presence of an intrusion at depth, (iii) a circular magnetic low feature, (iv) a strong 6 km by 800 metre ("m") northeast-trending illite anomaly defined by TDG's hyperspectral imaging in 2022, (v) location adjacent to a major, regional-scale northwest-southeast-oriented structure in the same orientation as mineralized trends within the district (Figure 1) , (vi) TDG's geochemical sampling suggesting a Cu LDS vector and, (vii) identification of porphyry vein type and mineralization during 2024 geochemical sampling and prospecting work.

The geochemical signature of base metal and silver at the periphery, and elevated Cu concentrations in the core (Figure 3) in addition to geological and geophysical anomalies, is typical of the porphyry exploration model and may suggest a porphyry system at depth.

Geological mapping and prospecting work have identified zonation in alteration assemblages and mineralization encountered throughout the Erebus target area. At higher elevations, and peripheral to the main cirque, rocks encountered were dominantly underlain by volcanic and subordinate sedimentary facies with an epidote-chlorite-magnetite assemblage of alteration. Oxides of Cu (e.g. malachite) were encountered with the dominant sulphide assemblage of pyrite-magnetite-chalcopyrite ("Py+Mt+Cpy"). Veins within the volcanics were identified as quartz, carbonate, epidote and/or Mt and consist of singular veins, sheeted vein sets and stockwork-style veins. Multiple generations of vein sets are evident throughout the area. These higher elevation rocks were extensively hornfelsed.

Figure 3 - ‘Erebus' Target Area displaying (clockwise from top left) Cu, Mo, Zn, Ag concentrations in: (i) 2024 Rock Sampling, (ii) Historical Rock Sampling and (iii) 2023 Lithic Drainage Sampling. Single Digit Integer Corresponds to the Map Index in Table 1.

Figure 4 - Rock Samples Taken at the Erebus Target Area (Left: Sample G676066, Mafic Volcanic disseminates with chalcopyrite/pyrite with 11 % Cu in Float directly below inaccessible Cliff; Right: Sample D00209783 Quartz Monzonite with disseminated chalcopyrite/pyrite, malachite/azurite on fracture surface and pervasive potassic alteration with Mo veining grading 0.45 % Cu & 32.4 ppm Mo in outcrop.

Figure 5 - Multi-generational stockwork veins developed in K-altered intrusive (two different sample sites shown as example).

The central area of the main cirque, in the valley bottom, was underlain dominantly by felsic to intermediate intrusive rocks. The granitic rocks compositionally range from biotite granite to quartz monzonite, and host disseminated sulphides of Cpy+Py+Mt with secondary Cu oxide minerals (Figure 4 - right panel). Several areas were identified with intense, multi-generational, stockwork-style veins and sheeted quartz ("Qtz") + Potassium ("K") feldspar + Py + Cpy + Mo veining. Vein densities ranged from 5 - 10 % of rock mass up to ~30 % (Figure 5).

Also encountered in the Erebus target1 area are interpreted late porphyry dykes cross cutting into the Takla Basalts and the Black Lake Suite. This suggests a long-lived, multi-phase, intrusive cycle in the target area.

2024 Exploration Work

The reconnaissance program consisted of prospecting and geochemical sampling in the area (Figure 3, opaque circles are TDG's work, semi-transparent circles are historical3 sampling efforts). These samples confirmed and correlate with an increase of Cu concentrations central to the Erebus target1 area suggested by the 2023 LDS sampling and demonstrated elevated silver and base metal concentrations at the periphery. Geological observations identified both mafic volcanic rocks (interpreted to be the Takla Basalt Sequence) and granitic rocks (interpreted to be the Black Lake Intrusive Suite).

Approximately half (115) of samples collected in 2024 demonstrate appreciable Cu concentrations, with an average aggregate mean of 0.39 % Cu, ranging from 200 parts-per-million ("ppm") to 11,000 ppm Cu. Approximately 20 % of the samples collected in the area have greater than 5 ppm Mo, with an aggregate mean of 38 ppm Mo, ranging from 5 - 375 ppm Mo. Both these metals demonstrate concentrations of anomalous interest and justification for further follow-up work to refine the Erebus target1.

Prior Exploration Work

The Bot/Erebus area has been previously explored, with recorded exploration dating back to the 1960s when Kennco first arrived in the area and began evaluating the Toodoggone District as part of a regional exploration program. Despite over 60 years of exploration, historical exploration pre-2000 was limited and sporadic, collecting only ~100 geochemical samples (rocks, soils, chips, grabs) in the Erebus target1 area (according to available records). Geological mapping work was restricted to large-scale regional or reconnaissance ‘check' mapping and at very coarse scale. An airborne Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic ("ZTEM") survey was conducted in 2017 by Talisker Resources. In 2024, TDG focused on following up on the 2023 LDS survey (Figure 6) that suggested an increasingly strong Cu vector leading up the drainage that leads into the centre of the Erebus target1 area and TDG conducted follow up geochemical sampling in 2024. The Erebus target1 has never been drill tested.

Future Work

The Erebus target1 needs further detailed geological mapping, including detailed study of the type, orientation, paragenesis and alteration assemblages of all veins, in particular those veins hosting base or precious metal mineralization. TDG anticipates this work to be undertaken in parallel with its 2025 exploration season at the Greater Shasta-Newberry, Mets and Baker Complex. This work could result in selection of potential collar locations to launch an inaugural drill program on the Erebus target1 area.

Figure 6 -‘Erebus' Target Area Vector Defined by Increasing Cu in 2023 LDS Sampling.


Samples for the Bot program were handled via rigorous chain of custody, including sample collection, processing, and delivery to the Bureau Veritas ("BV") in Vancouver, B.C. The material was logged and photographed at TDG's Baker Mine site and processed by geologists and technicians. Quality assurance and control ("QAQC") materials were inserted into the sampling sequence during geological sample selection. The material selected for sampling was placed in zip-tied polyurethane bags, then in security-sealed rice bags before being delivered directly by TDG staff from the Baker mine site to Bandstra Transportation Systems in Prince George, ultimately to the BV facility in Vancouver, B.C. Samples were prepared and analyzed following procedures: PRP90-250 for sample preparation, FA430 for Au and AQ251 for Ag and trace elements. Overlimit concentrations (> 100 ppm Ag or > 10,000 ppm Cu) were analyzed (where applicable) by MA401. Information about methodology can be found on the BV Labs website, in the analytical guide (here).

QAQC is maintained internally at the lab through rigorous use of internal certified reference materials ("CRMs"), blanks, and duplicates. An additional QAQC program was administered by TDG through the verification of lab results via use of CRMs and blank (unmineralized) samples that were blindly inserted into the sample batch. If a QAQC sample returns an unacceptable value an investigation into the results is triggered and when deemed necessary, the samples that were tested in the batch with the failed QAQC sample are re-tested.

Qualified Person

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved Steven Kramar, MSc., P.Geo., Vice President, Exploration for TDG Gold Corp., a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

1Mineral Exploration/Exploration Target Area(s): Exploration targets and/or Exploration zones and/or Exploration areas are speculative and there is no certainty that any future work or evaluation will lead to the definition of a mineral resource.

2Adjacent Properties: The Company has no interest in, or rights to, any of the adjacent properties mentioned, and mineral deposits on adjacent properties are not necessarily indicative of mineralization on the Company's properties. Any references to resources, grades, metallurgical or process studies, engineering studies or historical results are provided for information only and do not imply any certainty of achieving similar results on the Company's properties.

3Historical Data: This news release includes historical information that has been reviewed by TDG's qualified person (QP). TDG's review of the historical records and information reasonably substantiate the validity of the information presented in this news release; however, TDG cannot directly verify the accuracy of the historical data, including (but not limited to) the procedures used for sample collection and analysis. Therefore, any conclusions or interpretations borne from use of this data should be considered too speculative to suggest that additional exploration will result in mineral resource delineation. TDG encourages readers to exercise appropriate caution when evaluating these data and/or results.

About TDG Gold Corp.

TDG is a major mineral tenure holder in the historical Toodoggone Production Corridor of north-central British Columbia, Canada, with over 32,000 hectares of brownfield and greenfield exploration opportunities under direct ownership. TDG's flagship projects are the former producing, high-grade gold-silver Shasta and Baker mines, which produced intermittently between 1981-2012, and the historical high-grade gold Mets developed prospect, all of which are road accessible, and combined have over 65,000 m of historical drilling. The projects have been advanced through compilation of historical data, new geological mapping, geochemical and geophysical surveys and, at Shasta, 13,250 m of modern HQ drill testing of the known mineralization occurrences and their potential extensions. In January 2025, TDG published an updated Mineral Resource Estimate for Shasta (news release Jan 08, 2025) which remains open at depth and along strike; including the Baker Mine Tailings. In January 2023, TDG defined a larger exploration target area adjacent to Shasta (‘Greater Shasta-Newberry'; news release Jan 25, 2023). In Fall 2023, TDG published the first modern drill results from the Mets mining lease (news releases Sep 07, 2023, Sep 11, 2023 and Nov 28, 2023). In early 2024, TDG identified new copper-gold target areas over an expanded footprint covering ~53 known as the ‘Baker Complex' (news release Feb 28, 2024).


Fletcher Morgan
Chief Executive Officer

For further information contact:

TDG Gold Corp.
Telephone: +1.604.536.2711

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the Company's current expectations and estimates. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as, "demonstrate", "potential", "display", "extend", "aim", "identify", "signature", "define", "coincident", "anomaly", "suggest", "strong", "typical", "coincide", "presence", "confirm," "correlate", "general", and variations of these words as well as other similar words or statements that certain events or conditions "could", "may", "should", "would" or "will" occur. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others: whether the geophysical, geological and geochemical results are indicative of a porphyry intrusive with or without associated economic mineralization; whether concentrations of base and/or precious metals in LDS, rock and soil sampling are indicative of a porphyry intrusion with or without associated economic mineralization; whether the interpreted LDS sampling results are indicative of a vector toward the presence of mineralization and whether or not such mineralization has economic potential; whether future exploration programs will successfully define potentially economic mineralization; the timing, cost and availability of funding to support such exploration; accidents, labour disputes and other risks common to the mining industry; the availability of sufficient funding on terms acceptable to the Company to complete the planned work programs; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing; and fluctuations in metal prices. There may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or results or otherwise. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be put on such statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.

SOURCE: TDG Gold Corp.

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