Local Heating Experts Give Tips on Heater Safety
Despite the colder temperatures, the risk of a house fire actually increases in the winter.
According to Thomas Monticciolo, the Vice President of Auchinachie Services, much of that risk comes from what is around your heaters.
"There's a lot of, people leave clothes, laundry, next to the actual equipment. if you're dealing with gas or oil fired equipment, they're going to have flames. So you want to keep that stuff away from it, along with cardboard boxes and everything else, because that's what a lot of people typically do with piles in the basement," Monticciolo said.
Chris Holleran, the Senior Vice President of Auchinachie Services, says other risks can come from harsh winter conditions as well.
"Well, a lot of times after a big snowstorm with the new higher efficiency equipment, the vents usually get covered with snow because they're coming through the side of the house. So that's usually the number one cause of why equipment isn't working is because they're not getting the proper air or the proper venting," Holleran said.
According to Holleran, improper venting that can cause a build up of carbon dioxide in the house, which can cause headaches, confusion, an elevated blood pressure.
Auchinachie Services encourages checks of the equipment around 3 to 4 times a year, and always being aware of any unusual smells, noises, or water leaking from the equipment.