Bridgewater Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing is home to over 200 residents. But during the holiday time...

"A lot of times they don't have families that come in, so I'm here to make it special for all of them. Doing a little dancing, a little music, having fun," Community Life Director at Bridgewater Melinda Mathews said. 

Giving residents an afternoon full of food, carols, and holiday spirit is the ultimate prize for the residents, and Mathews.

"My role part is a lot of this that I'm bringing up from Pennsylvania that they haven't had here," Mathews said. "I think it's really rewarding for me as well as well. So I'm looking forward to bringing more of my fondness here." 

Even though residents family members may not be able to make it for the holidays, residents are able to find right another family right at Bridgewater.

"Togetherness, being together, singing, just having a great time, socializing with people," Mathews said. "They need to come off the floors and be social. That's good for their mental well-being as well."

The Bridgewater Center is located at 159 Front Street in Binghamton.