Food-A-Bago Food Drive has Another Successful Year
Good news!
This year's Food-A-Bago food drive was very successful, helping CHOW in its fight against food insecurity in the southern tier.
The drive took place from late October into early November, collecting over 4,500 pounds of food and over $5,800.
All of the food and money collected from the food fundraiser goes directly to CHOW to be distributed back into the community to go to those in need.
The amount of food collected is enough to supply over 30,000 meals, which will be especially helpful ahead of the holiday season.
CHOW Director Les Aylesworth said, "The food that does come in as incredibly important. So even if it's less than it was before the pandemic, every piece of food that comes in here is so appreciated and so important because it helps us to help the community, because if we have to buy that food, it's expensive. I mean, yes, we can purchase at a better rate, perhaps because we're larger, but it still costs money. And so when people are generous and give food to us, then we can turn around and give it away."