BU Hosts the "Let Us Dream" Conference in Downtown Binghamton
The Let us Dream Conference was held today at the Binghamton University Downtown Center, with the overarching theme being empowering community betterment.
Father Lijo Thomas, the founder and director of Let us Dream, hoped the students would find opportunities and be inspired by the stories of community leadership.
"The idea came out to bring in local community, small, community service initiatives together and sharing their stories for the next generations and connecting university to different community organizations. it's a space for people with a bigger hearts for their community, not for self. Their heart is filled with the community and what they can make others life easier and happier," Thomas said.
It serves as a hub for community engagement and involvement, including Children's Home, the Center of Treatment Innovation, and the Lee Barta Community Center.
One such organization is Nathan's Butterflies, an organization founded by Ben Cucci, who lost his brother at a young age.
Alongside President Frances Bidwell, they now use the organization to raise awareness about youth grief.
"He knew he felt better with a kind act, and he wanted his grieving family to feel better, too. Eight years into this, he's now a freshman at Vestal High School, and he's continued to grow civic engagement amongst many different groups of children and families," Bidwell said.
A mission rewarded with a "Changemaker" award to Ben, an award to recognize outstanding work in non-profit service, with Ben the youngest recipient of the ten today.