For over 20 years, The Beloved Community has done charitable work in Binghamton and beyond, with this Easter Sunday being the latest example.

For the first time in their history, the group gave away free food to the community in honor of the holiday.

From noon to 5 p.m., the group served up hot dinners on Chapin St., providing a hot meal for over a hundred residents.

Given the amount of preparation that went into the event, Brielle Procko, the organization's Chief Marketing Officer, expressed her gratitude for the community's support.

"It's wonderful to see our community come together," Procko said. "We've gotten so many donations from local businesses and just community members, and it's really wonderful to see just the turnout we've gotten today just from the word of mouth."

The group plans to continue the initiative this coming November in honor of Thanksgiving.

More information about future events can be found at