The New York State Council of School Superintendents (THE COUNCIL) has elected Windsor Central School District superintendent Jason Andrews, Ed.D. as its new President.

Dr. Andrews, the 2019 New York State Superintendent of the Year, has held several roles, including superintendent of the Windsor CSD since 2005, in a 30-year career in education.

"It is an honor to serve as the president of this organization that is dedicated to sustaining this generation of school leaders, and developing the next", says Dr. Andrews.

He will represent roughly 900 members of the council, as he continues to promote effective educational policies and learning that will benefit students statewide.

As Windsor CSD Superintendent, Dr. Andrews has overseen a rise in student achievement by focusing on the systemic implementation of Professional Learning Communities to further increase student learning and a culture of continuous improvement. 

"I have known Dr. Andrews for many years in many capacities and have always appreciated his hard work and dedication to his community of Windsor.

I have no doubt as president of the NYSCOSS he will put the same effort forward to promote the superintendency in New York", says Charles S. Dedrick, Ed.D., Executive Director of NYSCOSS.

Dr. Andrews is very active in the education system across the state, serving as Co-Director of SUNY Oswego's Superintendent's Development Program, Executive Coach for LEAF, Inc., the Governing Board of the American Association of School Administrators(AASA), Board of LEAF, Inc., the NYS Education Commissioner's Advisory Council, the National Center for Educational Research and Technology National Board and is a charter member for the Institute for Innovation.

"For me, it's really about highlighting the need to be sure we're leading for all students in all parts of the state, and that's really will be my focus through the year", says Andrews.

Dr. Andrew's term runs from July 1st, 2023, through June 30th, 2024.