Owego Hose Teams, Inc. in partnership with Tioga County Anglers will host its 3rd Annual Trout Derby Saturday, April 2. The contest for anglers of all ages will be held virtually or by checking fish in at Croton Hose Co. #3 Fire Station on Talcott Street. More than 60 anglers participated in the event last year.

Registration forms for the Trout Derby will be available at the Community Shop, Scott Smith & Son, and Weaver Automotive and online registration is available at the Hose Team website at www.OwegoHoseTeams.com. You must be registered to participate. Once registered you will be provided a unique number identifier by the Hose Team.

Fishing is limited to both the East and West branches of the Owego Creek. All registrants must have a valid New York State fishing license and abide by all New York State Department of Conservation (DEC) rules and regulations. Fly, spin, and bait fishing permitted. Winners will be announced shortly after 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 2 at Company #3’s Fire Station and via Facebook Live. David Givens was the 2021 winning with a near 20 inch brown trout.

Fifty percent payout from registration fees will be awarded for largest brook and brown trout (length) or $100 in each category whichever dollar amount is largest. The $10 entry fee covers both the brook and brown trout categories. Contestants participating virtually are asked to post pictures of their trout caught to the hose team Facebook page @owegohoseteams or email to owegohoseteams@gmail.com showing the trout with measuring device indicating the trout’s length and your unique number identifier.

A chicken BBQ will be held in conjunction with the Trout Derby but sold separately. Pre-order your chicken dinners on the Hose Team website, emailing the Hose Team, or by calling 202-494-9108. A portion of proceeds will benefit Tioga County Anglers a new not for profit seeking to improve Tioga County’s cold-water fisheries. Company #3’s hospitality room will also be open with their clam chowder, free of charge for all anglers.