One of the most desired and well paid fields of study is Computer Science, which is also considered to be a male-dominated field.  

Girls Who Code is a non-profit organization that is committed to closing the gender gap in computer science by introducing the field to women at a young age.

The desired age group for this organization is middle school and high school aged girls where they will meet once a week to take courses where they will be taught the basics in computer coding and stem. 

Chapter President Jennifer Seibert is happy to be involved with introducing more girls into STEM and to close the gender gap in the field. Seibert said: 

"Being able to have more women in the field is such an amazing thing that we are trying to do that so we can get more women into these classrooms, into the field and being leaders in STEM."

The Girls Who Code chapter at Binghamton University hosted a graduation ceremony for the fall semester where the girls who were involved presented their coding projects that they worked on. 

If you are looking to sign up your child into the Girls Who Code program at Binghamton University, you can visit and apply for the spring semester that will begin in February.