New Year's Eve is one of the biggest celebrations of the year, but s. Captain Jeffrey VanAuken is preparing for New Year's Eve enforcement, and shared tips on how to stay safe.

With exponentially more DWI crashes between the evening of December 31 and the morning of January 1, VanAuken urges people to not drink and drive. If someone does not have a designated driver, there are other ways to get home. "You have taxis, Uber, Lyft, and all those other companies that can get you home," said VanAuken. "Even if you've had a few and think you're okay to drive, call a ride share service or a cab."

As for people heading to the bars downtown, VanAuken expressed those out together should stay together, and never be alone. "When you're downtown, for people who are walking from bar to bar, be sure to travel in groups," said VanAuken. "If you see one of your buddies is getting too drunk, stay with them and make sure they get home safely."