There's blue-green algae in the water at Dorchester Park, closing the swimming section. You are still able to boat and visit the park. 

However, park officials are saying to stay out of the water and don't let your pets drink from the water. They added if the algae gets worse, they will be closing the water for boaters as well. 

Blue-green algae can irritate the eyes, nose and skin. If ingested, it can cause sickness and even death in some animals. 

"[Visitors] probably shouldn't go swimming," warned park manager, Richard Totten. "As far as boating and kayaking or paddleboarding, I'd be more hesitant to paddleboard. If you do see it, I would stay out of it. I would try to keep your dogs or pets out of it because that is worse for them than it is for people."

Totten said the park usually sees the algae after heavy rain.