Surrounded by supporters on Tuesday, current Broome County District Attorney Steve Cornwell formally announced his candidacy for the 22nd district congressional seat. 

"Make no mistake about it. I'm coming to Washington and I'm coming with the people behind me," says Cornwell.


Fox 40 was first to report Cornwell's plans to run for Congress on June 28th, nearly 6 months after the republican made public that he would not be seeking a second term as District Attorney. 

At the time of that January 4th announcement, Cornwell said he would be staying in Broome County and saw himself continuing in some form of public service. When asked why Congress, Cornwell responded: "I think I can do the most help in Congress. I want to fight for the people in upstate New York."

Cornwell, who won the DA seat as an underdog in the 2015 election, says he plans to run a "grassroots" campaign.

"I've always been an outsider, no sense hiding it, I am an outsider," says Cornwell when asked if he's looking for party support, "So, I'm going to run grassroots, the way I believe you should run. Talk to as many people as I can. I'll be knocking on doors in an 8 county district, I guarantee you that. I'll be doing everything I can to build this campaign from the grassroots level up. If the politicians want to come along to support me, that's great. They're people too."

Cornwell says his main focus is bringing more jobs to the region, lowering taxes, and working on immigration laws. He's one of three republicans who are running for the office in 2020. George Phillips and Franklin Sager both announced their candidacy. Current congressman Anthony Brindisi is also running for a second term.