Union-Endicott Legend Frank Angeline Passes Away

Union-Endicott N.Y. - Earlier today Fran Angeline passed away in Eastern Pennsylvania, according to WNBF news. Angeline was the head football coach at Union-Endicott from 1960-92, as well as the boys tennis coach. It was in football where Angeline led the Tigers to be the number one ranked team in New York State throughout the 1979 and 1989 season. In 2014 the Union-Endicott 's Ty Cobb stadium was named in his honor.
Union-Endicott football head coach Tom Baleno played for Angeline in 1998 on the Tigers team that was ranked #1 in the state.
"First thing that pops in your mind is you think of the legendary and legacy, you think about tradition, you think about pride and being the best you can be and be the best individual possible no matter what that is" said Baleno.
"He brought a sense of dignity to sports and to Union-Endicott and I think that might be the one word to describe him.... dignity and carrying yourself with your chin high and being proud of what you do and be very accomplished and I think that rubbed off on the community of Union-Endicott." said Baleno.
Angeline passed away near his son's home.