Would Broome County be ready if the area experienced another flood?

Experts say three of the ways they've been prepping the area for future flooding is by moving what they can from hazardous areas, working to protect what they can't move and mitigating what they are unable to move or protect.

Frank Evangelisti with the Broome County Department of Planning says the addition of flood walls and flood gates have made the area better equipped to handle floods than in 2006 and 2011, but officials are constantly searching for new solutions.

"The solutions may not necessarily be a flood wall on that property, it may be an upstream retention pond or something else off site. That's the process we're going through right now, we've identified where all flood hazards are and developing the solutions," says Frank Evangelisti, Chief Planner for the Broome County Department of Planning.

Evangelisti says that in the future officials will look to build a regional shelter to cope with the effects of any future flood.